Charity Project of Belle Finestre
Ordering PVC windows in the company Belle Finestre, you become a participant of the charity campaign called “Give Warmth to Children” as well, which has been organized for several years in cooperation with the portal and other charity organizations.
The essence of the campaign is that 1 euro from each purchase of PVC windows and other products of Belle Finestre is allocated for the manufacture and installation of windows for low-income families, in which the sick children are brought up.
Thanks to you, our dear customers, the company Belle Finestre manages to collect about 5 thousand euro a year to install PVC windows free of charge to needy families. Therefore, remember that BEING OUR CUSTOMER, YOU GIVE WARMTH TO CHILDREN TOGETHER WITH Belle Finestre !
Organization with whom we cooperate closely:
Labdarības fonds „ticība, cerība, mīlestība”
Latvijas Humanas palidzibas centrs